An SSL certificate is a digital certification that verifies the identification of a website and protects information delivered to the server using SSL technology. Secure Sockets Layer, or SSL, is a technology that sends confidential data over the web.

SSL encrypts sensitive data, including user credentials and credit card details. When users visit a website that supports SSL, their browser will show a green lock symbol in the address bar to show that the connection is safe. Additionally, you can examine the SSL certificate and ensure that it is genuine by clicking on the lock symbol.

Most web browsers will also display a warning message if you try to visit an insecure website. This is because SSL is required for all websites that handle sensitive information.

So, why is SSL important?

It contributes to the protection of your personal information from cybercriminals. Additionally, it assists in fraudulent attempts protection for any website.

Phishing is a kind of cybercrime in which the victim is fooled into clicking on a link, leading to unwanted content. This can often be done by spoofing a trusted website’s email address or creating a fake website that looks identical to the real website.

If a phishing attack is successful, the attacker can gain access to your personal information or infect your computer with malware. This is why it’s essential to ensure that you only click on links from trusted sources.

SSL certificates are also crucial for SEO. Google has stated that they give preference to websites that use SSL encryption. If your website ranks higher in search results, you should consider using SSL, or you might be using one that you never thought of.

If you’re still not convinced, consider this: even if you don’t handle sensitive information on your website, your users will still appreciate extra security. And who doesn’t want to give their users the best possible experience on their website?

If you’re willing to get started, you may get an SSL certificate from a reputable certificate authority like Symantec, GlobalSign, or Comodo. Let’s Encrypt also offers free SSL certificates. Installing your certificate on your web server is possible after you have it.

If you need assistance, you may look for instructions on how to install an SSL certificate on Apache, Nginx, and IIS on the internet, and it’s absolutely Free. Once your SSL certificate is installed, you can enable HTTPS by adding a few lines of code to your website’s .htaccess file.

Enabling HTTPS on your website is an excellent way to improve security and gain the trust of your users. It’s also good for SEO, so it’s a win-win.

To brief it up here are some of the following why SSL is so important and why you need to implement it into your website as security:

  • You not only protect your primary domain but also all of its subdomains so you need not to install SSL in every subdomain website.
  • With SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) your data is end-to-end encrypted.
  • By installing an authentic SSL certificate you not only secure your website but also you are building a trust bond with your visitors.
  • You can also improve your Search Engine Rankings (SEO) and get more Google attention.
  • You are also protecting your website from hackers.
  • With SSL your payment gateway on your website is also encrypted.
  • Defend your login and online form data from cyber attackers.
  • SSL enables you to meet PCI/DSS requirements.

Now that you really are aware of how important this security feature is for your website, what are you waiting for to implement it? Contact any of the authentic SSL service providers right away if you want to safeguard your business website and guarantee best practices via offering your visitors a strong commitment.