What Is Web Hosting? You Must Know This As A Beginner.

If you are looking for “what is web hosting and what are the hosting types?” you definitely want to know how to begin creating your website. Whenever it comes to starting your website, web hosting is a necessity. This article has been written to help you comprehend what web hosting is, what the hosting types are, why you need it, and how companies like ours can assist you in getting started.

What Is Web Hosting?

Web Hosting is the home of every website. Without hosting, you couldn’t store your website and make it visible to the Internet audience. Whenever it comes to hosting, it is a service that provides storage and computing resources to an individual or company. This is done so that businesses can store and maintain multiple websites and associated services. In most cases, hosting is a web-based service that makes a website or your web services globally accessible over the Internet.

Briefly put, web hosting is leasing or purchasing space for a website to be located on the World Wide Web. In order for the content of a website to be seen publicly on the Internet, such as HTML, CSS, and other programming files and media (images, audio, and videos), they must be stored on a server.
What Is A Host?
A machine is considered to be a host if it can connect to and communicate with other devices on the same network. All devices with unique IP addresses are connected together as a network (Internet Protocol). Additionally, each one will have unique software to help it serve its function inside the network. Each device’s IP address serves as a means of identification while corresponding with other devices.

Remember that certain hosts could have “hostnames instead of IP addresses.” In this instance, the hostname is changed to an IP address that the endpoints can read via the DNS (Domain Name System).

Here comes the challenging part. Not every hardware acts as a host. Hubs, switches, and routers do not have IP addresses if they are part of the network. Thus, they are not hosts.

What Is A Server?

Servers are very powerful computers that are specifically designed to store, process, and manage the data, devices, and systems that are associated with a network. By providing sufficient network devices and systems facilities, servers act as the driving force behind every online business. Servers provide crucial scalability, efficiency, and business continuity capabilities for enterprises. Servers could be either physical or virtual. Keep in mind that the devices may not always act as hosts. Those who use these services are referred to as “Clients,” which might be either software or hardware.

Is the client and server connection “one to one”? It is a question that is often asked. Continue reading, and we’ll try to explain it to you.

One-to-one means that the number of servers and clients grows exponentially, making it impractical. The great news is that the server can handle several clients, and the clients may access various servers for their needs. So you can see, there’s no need to be worried. It’s also important to remember that the server and client might be located on the same device or on different ones, depending on which is more feasible.

How Does Web Hosting Work?

Your website is nothing more than a collection of several resources (programming files and media). You will need a location to save all of these files while building a website. This location is your web hosting provider’s server.

You’ll keep all the multimedia, files, databases, and other materials needed for a well-functioning website on this server. Whatever hosting package you choose will determine how much storage you get. Every web hosting service provider company offers different features at different pricing.

If you are just starting out on the Internet, you will most likely only rent a chunk of a server that is shared with other websites. This is the most cost-effective option for beginners. You may need to expand up to purchasing a complete physical server once your storage and traffic requirements grow, or at the very least, you may use a cloud or VPS server to access your resources.

Once you sign up for a web hosting service, software like cPanel is always what gives you access to the server. This makes uploading your data to the server simple. Or, to effortlessly develop your website, you might need to install a CMS like WordPress.

You’ll also need to sign up for a domain name if you want a completely functional website. Once you get it, you should direct it to your server to inform web browsers that your files are stored there.

Whenever somebody enters your domain name or clicks on a hyperlink to your website, the web browser obtains the files from the server and presents them to the visitor. This process ought to occur in a fraction of seconds or even less. If the duration of this process is significant, you should speed up your website or consider moving hosts completely.

Types of Web Hosting

“Web hosting” is a term used to describe the act of transferring data from one computer to another in order to host a website. Websites using the server are given access to its services, including RAM, hard drive space, bandwidth, and other optimization facilities.

The allocation of server facilities varies according to your web hosting plan type. You must first understand how the various plans go in order to select the best web hosting option. It doesn’t have to be difficult to achieve this. Let us explain to our non-technical readers in a simple example: Choosing web hosting is like searching for a space for your office. How do you choose:

What kind of office space best suits your requirements? There are two options: an open workstation in a co-working environment or a private office in a business center.

Do you want to grow fast, or do you foresee many visitors?

Would creating your own area appeal to you more than renting a whole building?

There are many more factors to consider besides the kind of workplace you use. Accessibility, features (extras like a whiteboard, high-speed Internet, as well as other amenities), location, and total pricing of the rooms are all factors. These factors will help you identify your requirements and the best sort of workplace for you. Let’s compare this decision-making process to determining the right web hosting for your website.

1: Shared Web Hosting
When starting off, shared hosting is your best option for a website hosting solution. With Shared Hosting, your website will share the same server with others. Both RAM (Random Access Memory) & CPU of the server are shared by every domain who are using a shared hosting plan. However, since most of the resources are shared, shared hosting plans are comparatively cheap, making them an excellent choice for website owners who are just starting out.

Even though shared hosting doesn’t always have the greatest reputation, the kind of service you experience will mostly depend on your hosting company. While some shared hosting packages have limitations, others can support websites with acceptable traffic volumes.

2: Dedicated Web Hosting
Dedicated hosting gives website owners tremendous flexibility over the server on which your website is hosted. This is because you are the only person who rents space on the server, so your website is the only one hosted there. As a result, you obtain full administrative access to your server and can control every part of it, including security, server optimization, and also the operating system. However, all of that capability comes at a cost.

Dedicated servers are the priciest type of web hosting. They are often used by administrators of busy websites and those who want total control of their servers. Both installation and continuing operation of the server demands a high degree of technical knowledge.

3: VPS Web Hosting
The term “Virtual Private Server” (VPS) refers to a kind of web hosting that creates an environment that is practically identical to that of a dedicated server while still using a shared server. VPS hosting has gained popularity because it is often less expensive than dedicated hosting yet offers more outstanding performance, security, and dependability than shared hosting. Clients also have accessibility to the server’s root directory, which enables them to alter the settings and install software without going via the hosting company before, which seems to be the case with shared hosting.

SaaS providers, game developers, programmers, businesses who’ve already exceeded shared hosting, and any business in need of a safe and economical backup solution should choose VPS. However, understanding what a VPS is by definition and deciding whether it is appropriate for you are two distinct concerns.

4: Managed Hosting
Managed hosting is a type of web hosting in which the provider manages all aspects of the server for the customer. This includes server administration, software updates, security, and more. Customers of managed hosting services typically pay a premium for the peace of mind that comes with having their hosting provider take care of all the technical details

Different Types of Managed Hosting

Fully Managed Hosting
Semi-Managed Hosting
Managed App Hosting

5: Colocation Web Hosting
However, in the same manner, as dedicated web hosting, a user owns a colo server, which is provided by a hosting firm, but they take care of maintaining the server. This kind of web hosting service is perhaps the most robust and pricey. Colocation providers generally provide almost no direct assistance to their clients’ machines, providing merely power, Internet connectivity, and storage facilities for the servers. The customer often sends their administrator to the data center to do hardware updates or adjustments. In the past, many colocation providers could accept whatever system configuration for hosting, including ones that were housed in desktop-style minitower cases. However, most hosts demand rack mount containers and conventional system configurations these days.

6: Cloud Hosting
Cloud hosting is the newest buzzword in the IT industry. It is a collection of computers working together to execute commands using shared computing resources called web hosting. It is a hosting solution that uses a network that enables companies to use the resources of computers as a utility in their operations.

Users can access as many services as they need without having to build and manage their own computing infrastructure. Since the resources are spread out among many servers, it is less likely that a single server would have an issue resulting in downtime.

Cloud hosting is scalable, which means that your website may expand over time, utilizing as many resources as it takes, while the website owner only pays for what they use. This keeps the website owner’s costs down.

7: Reseller Hosting
Reseller web hosting is a choice in which a hosting provider leases hard disk space and bandwidth to a company (from small to medium-sized businesses), which then leases the space to outside parties (entrepreneurs-small businesses). In a nutshell, reseller hosting is a service that allows you to function as a web hosting firm for your own customers. This is normal for aspiring business owners who wish to launch their own web hosting company or for established web designers and developers who want to expand their services.

8: Free Hosting
It is an unpaid, unsecured, totally free web hosting service. Numerous well-known websites that offer to host a few web pages for free provide this form of hosting. As we already know about all the hosting types, you can determine which hosting to buy for your website. We only recommend free hosting when you are starting and want to learn everything about the website without spending a single penny.


Hopefully, at this point, you have gotten a clearer idea of what web hosting is, how it works, and why you need it. So, the next time you consider why web hosting is crucial, remember this article and consider all of these reasons. The best thing is that you can utilize a web hosting service without fully comprehending all of its complexities.

You must choose a web host, select a hosting package, and start developing your website. Your understanding will grow as you spend more time on the backend of your web server, and the subjects mentioned above will begin to take on more meaning.

When it comes to choosing a web host, there are a lot of things to take into consideration. However, one of the most important factors is finding a host that can provide you with the resources you need to ensure your website or web service is accessible to your audience.

Another essential factor to consider is the type of hosting you need. For example, if you are looking to host a small website or blog, you may not need the same resources or web hosting provider as a large e-commerce website.

Finally, you’ll also want to consider the price of hosting. While some hosts may be more expensive, you’ll want to ensure you are getting the best value for your money.