Is digital marketing important to your new start-up? Digital marketing, such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC), and email marketing, can be crucial in helping you acquire new customers and encourage repeat business from old ones.

Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs don’t realize how important digital marketing is until they find themselves losing business to competitors who are excelling at it. This guide will help you figure out how to determine whether your business needs digital marketing and how to implement it effectively.


How digital marketing can help your new start-up

The digital marketing industry is evolving at an incredible rate. How companies look to promote themselves, their products, and their services, both online and offline, is radically changing all of the time.

As such, it can be difficult for start-ups to stay up to date with how things are done in today’s digital landscape. However, one thing that never changes is how important it is for a company’s marketing strategy to be at its best before they launch its product or service into a live marketplace.

With that being said, here are some reasons why digital marketing should be on your mind before you launch your start-up


Advantages of digital marketing for a new start-up

There are numerous advantages of digital marketing for a new start-up. Among them are, that it helps to create brand awareness and connect with customers in an easier way than traditional marketing does, thereby creating higher customer conversions.

Additionally, digital marketing can help to increase trust between your company and your customers, as a result of which they will be more likely to purchase your products or services.

Moreover, when you use social media platforms effectively in your marketing campaigns, you can build relationships with your target audience.

You can also discover influencers who will promote your products or services on their social media pages. Another great advantage of digital marketing is that it is easy to measure return on investment (ROI) or its performance.


Mobile is the future of digital marketing

With over 6 billion people in the world, it’s safe to say that each one of us has a mobile phone.

As a business, how do you plan to reach your audience now that there are so many devices and platforms from which consumers can access information about your brand or product?

This year, 43% of all digital media time will be spent on mobile devices—and by 2018, that number is expected to surpass 50%.

To keep up with shifting consumer behaviors and attitudes toward technology (while growing your brand), it’s important for marketers and business owners alike to have a strategy in place—one which incorporates both traditional and mobile marketing tactics.

Mobile marketing is not just another channel, but instead an extension of your larger marketing efforts.


Starting with email marketing

If you’re getting started in digital marketing, building your email list should be one of your top priorities. The problem is that most companies get it wrong because they don’t have a clear idea of who they want to email and what they want to say.

Before you begin building an email list, consider who will be interested in your product or service. As you write out your customer avatar make sure that you cover everything from their age and gender to where they live and their interests.

Also, don’t forget to include why they would need your product or service (the main benefit). The clearer you are on these points beforehand, the easier it will be for email marketing success. Once you’ve identified your target audience, start collecting their emails by offering them something valuable in exchange.

This could be a free guide, webinar invitation, or ebook. Just remember that whatever you offer must not only provide value but also solve a specific problem faced by your target audience. Once you’ve got their attention, send them regular updates about new products and services as well as exclusive offers via email.

Don’t worry if at first, you find it difficult to keep people engaged; with time and experience, you’ll soon learn how to build relationships with customers through regular communication so they feel like part of your community!


Interacting with fans through social media

One of the best ways to start a business from scratch is to engage with your audience on social media. That’s because social media allows you to develop relationships with potential customers, who can then turn into your loyal fans.

From posting promotional offers and coupons to sharing pictures and relevant links, social media is a great tool for building an audience interested in your products or services.

In fact, according to a study from Convince & Convert, 81% of consumers have made purchases based on something they saw on Facebook.

While engaging with fans can be a smart way to start a business that is already scaling, it’s especially useful for those looking to grow their fan base through active engagement and word-of-mouth marketing.


Understanding the importance of content marketing

If you’re starting a new business, chances are good that you’ve got a really good handle on how to bring customers in through your doors. You might have a killer sales pitch, or you might offer things at great prices.

It’s those people who make it past your front door and into your store or office that need some special attention now—and their numbers are growing.

Most of today’s consumers do their homework before making purchasing decisions, spending anywhere from three hours to almost a full workday (24 minutes on average) doing the research before they buy anything—anything!


Ecommerce websites should focus on email marketing as well

Digital marketing is one of today’s most important keys to business success. Whether you own a brick-and-mortar shop or operate an eCommerce website, you should start implementing digital marketing strategies as soon as possible.

However, not everyone realizes that digital marketing is not only about social media, search engine optimization (SEO), and pay-per-click (PPC) advertising; email marketing for your eCommerce business is a significant tool in growing your business.

Having an optimized newsletter subscriber list can help you increase sales and cost-effectively promote new products.

If you haven’t created a newsletter subscriber list yet, we recommend getting started right away so you can take advantage of email marketing for your business immediately!